Tag: president

  • A Republican Hamlet

    Blame the English teachers at those fine expensive schools, trying desperately to engage their bored charges with a play about reckless youth. If only the chattering classes had been taught how to read Hamlet properly, they might have better understood this year’s presidential primaries. Let’s do a Republican Hamlet. Best thing is, you don’t have…

  • The power of story (2016 Iowa Caucus)

    I have wagered with my wife that the 2016 US major-party presidential nominees will be Trump and Clinton. I don’t regret my choices after the Iowa Caucus. I understand the power of story. On the Democratic side, one story seems better — a dark horse, vastly more leftist than anything we’ve seen in decades, going from…

  • I met the President for fifteen seconds

    So, obviously, it’s a photo-op at a fundraiser. Two hundred people line up in a U, along the walls of a largish beige hotel conference room. Our bags and purses taken away. No bar. Still there’s a buzz. A third of the room is hidden by navy blue sheets on movable barriers, like privacy curtains…