Tag: inspiration

  • A Valentine to The Master and Margarita

    A Valentine to The Master and Margarita

    In this season of love, I’m posting Valentines to my inspirations for my novel The Demon in Business Class. This one, to Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita.

  • A Valentine to A Scanner Darkly

    A Valentine to A Scanner Darkly

    In this season of love, I’m posting Valentines to artistic inspirations for my own novel, The Demon in Business Class. This one, to Philip K. Dick’s A Scanner Darkly.

  • A Valentine to The Alexandria Quartet

    A Valentine to The Alexandria Quartet

    In this season of love, I’m posting Valentines to artistic inspirations for my own novel, The Demon in Business Class. Today, Lawrence Durrell’s The Alexandria Quartet!

  • A Valentine to Farscape

    A Valentine to Farscape

    In this season of love, every day this week I’m posting Valentines to inspirations for my novel, The Demon in Business Class. This is the first.

  • How writers read (sometimes)

    How writers read (sometimes)

    I have no forethought, only an inadvertent method-acting, the way that some travelers unthinkingly restyle their hair to local norms. I really don’t know myself, at all. Existential panic notwithstanding, it’s a huge timesaver.

  • The first idea

    The idea for The Demon in Business Class came at a weird time. I had a good job, opening overseas offices for the internet company AOL. I had just finished a six-month stint in Tokyo, a life-changing and confidence-building experience. I was waiting to start my upcoming assignment in Sydney — waiting far longer than…

  • Quarantine Inspiration on The Inner Loop Radio!

    The Inner Loop is a Washington DC live-reading group that hosts fiction, non-fiction and poetry writers at monthly events. I’ve been pleased and proud to read work there twice. They also run a terrific podcast on all aspects of writing. This week I’m part of their Qurantine Inspiration Series, with my own 12-minute creative stimulus…