Tag: fantasy

  • A Valentine to The Master and Margarita

    A Valentine to The Master and Margarita

    In this season of love, I’m posting Valentines to my inspirations for my novel The Demon in Business Class. This one, to Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita.

  • The Demon in Business Class AUDIOBOOK

    Laura Petersen’s gorgeous narration takes you on a fantastic journey across Europe, America and Asia, with secret magic, international conspiracies, and star-crossed lovers. Put on those headphones and fly!

  • Moorcock’s heir, Gregory D Little (review)

    It’s an article of nerd faith that, before Peter Jackson filmed it with pretty people, the weird kids read The Lord of the Rings. I was a weird kid, to be sure, and I read it. Half. I bogged down at the Ents, skipped ahead to Shelob, and then straight to Mount Doom. None of…

  • Demon release update – PhilCon and Writer’s Center

    Thanks One More Page Books for hosting my first reading for DEMON last Wednesday – and to the many people, friends and strangers, who came out! This weekend, Nov 18-20, I am paneling and signing at PhilCon! My next reading in the Washington DC area is Thursday December 1, 7pm, at the Writer’s Center in…

  • Big news – and some thanks

    I am thrilled to announce I have signed a contract with WordFire Press to publish The Demon in Business Class, my first novel! I am so excited about this! But it’s some months away, with a lot to do between now and then. I’ll talk about it much more as the book launch approaches, and I…

  • Use your dreams in life and art

    At a recent party with fellow writers, I mentioned my last story had come to me in a dream. People seemed surprised, which I found surprising. Dreams have been essential to me, both in art and in life, and to hear other writers don’t use them is like hearing they don’t use their legs. Dreams…

  • The pre-apocalypse

    My writing group noted that my new story, though a different setting, is also a post-apolcyalypse tale, or at least post-disaster. One colleague included my novel in that theme, even though in my novel things are good, but about to get worse. It’s pre-apocalyptic, she said. Something in that. My faith is that humanity will…

  • Russia, a cautionary tale

    A short note, for those who read my last post: I made my goal, reducing my novel 10.2% down to 124,400 words. Not merely a slimming — at least ten passages, or one every 15,000 words, needed a complete rewrite just to make sense, and in some cases had to grow. It was a grueling…

  • The Autumn 2013 Plan

    Speaking strictly commercially, I did everything wrong with my writing. I don’t have an identifiable genre or sub-genre. It’s a literary noir-styled fantasy thriller romance and an allegory about globalization and growing up. There’s no shelf for that. Crossing genres and styles is gaining popularity, but it’s still a hard sell to make cold. Perhaps…