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Amazon sells both ebook and print copies. It’s also a very popular bookstore, and a fantastic place to leave a review.

Goodreads is the largest literary social network, where readers connect to readers and writers. It is an opinionated place! A text review is especially welcome.

Kobo is a large international ebook seller, and the vendor behind Walmart ebooks and audiobooks.
I’m featured on their May 13 podcast of Kobo Writing Life, talking about Demon and Business Class Tarot!

Walmart uses its own URL even though Kobo runs their store.

Barnes & Noble is the largest brick & mortar bookseller in the United States, and also has an online store for both print and ebooks.
The print paperback is here –

Google Play has a wide international distribution, and is built into Android phones. Lately Google seems much more serious about entertainment than it used to be.

Apple Books / iBooks has a wide international distribution, and comes with every Apple phone, tablet and computer.

Anthony Dobranski and Polyglot Content Company ask readers to leave honest reviews. Neither Anthony Dobranski nor Polyglot Content Company provide any reward or compensation for specific content in reviews. Some reviewers received free advance copies during the novel’s launch.